Customising a Canoe
As diehard paddlers, ourselves, we have very specific needs/wants for our paddle craft and we expect that you may, too. Because of this we’ve partnered with manufacturers that offer customisation in order to ensure that you’re able to get exactly what you’re looking for. Each of our brands has varying levels of customisation on offer. Some of the available options include:
What the canoe is made of. This may be a choice of composite materials (layups) or different types of plastic compounds. Different materials affect the performance, colour, durability, cost, and weight of your craft.
The type, quantity, and sometimes location of seats in the boat are variable in some cases. Some brands offer adjustable seating by allowing the height, angle, or the fore and aft positioning to be altered on the fly.
This can include whitewater outfitting like lacing and airbags, or specialty interior accessories such as foot braces or kneeling thwarts. These options allow you to maximise your power/stroke or comfort when paddling.
This refers to the gunwales (outer rim of the canoe) and the thwarts (structural crossbars) of the canoes. Some common materials for these are aluminium, vinyl (plastic), wood, or carbon fibre.
The central portage yoke is what allows you to comfortably carry your canoe on your shoulders. They’re available in different materials and shapes and, in some cases, can be removable!
Each of our brands offer different levels of customisation. To view some of the options please see below:
Tandem custom options - Click Here
Solo custom options - Click Here
Packboat custom options - Click Here

Configure your desired model to get basic idea of looks - Click Here

Composite materials and colours - Click Here
T-Formex canoes - Click Here
Trim Options - Click Here
Seating Options - Click Here

We recommend either phoning us, or visiting us in-store (at Kangaroo Valley) to discuss boat suitability and customisation options. It's free, and no obligation. In-store we find this typically can take up to 2 hours. Over the phone, perhaps half an hour.
We also offer a large range of paddling and overnight camping equipment to service all your paddling and adventure needs.